cpc.geogrids.manipulation Module

Contains methods for interpolating data between GeoGrids.


fill_outside_mask_borders(data, passes=1)

Fill the grid points outside of the mask borders of a dataset (eg. over the ocean for land-only datasets) with the value from the nearest non-missing neighbor




Create a 5x5 array of data, mask out the outer values, and fill

>>> # Import packages
>>> from cpc.geogrids.manipulation import fill_outside_mask_borders
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Generate random data with missing values along the border
>>> A = np.random.randint(1, 9, (5, 5)).astype('float16')
>>> A[0] = A[-1] = A[:,0] = A[:,-1] = np.nan
>>> A  # doctest: +SKIP
array([[ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan],
       [ nan,   4.,   4.,   3.,  nan],
       [ nan,   6.,   7.,   3.,  nan],
       [ nan,   3.,   8.,   8.,  nan],
       [ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan]], dtype=float16)
>>> # Fill the missing outside values with the nearest neighbor values
>>> A = fill_outside_mask_borders(A)
>>> A  # doctest: +SKIP
array([[ 4.,  4.,  4.,  3.,  3.],
       [ 4.,  4.,  4.,  3.,  3.],
       [ 6.,  6.,  7.,  3.,  3.],
       [ 3.,  3.,  8.,  8.,  8.],
       [ 3.,  3.,  8.,  8.,  8.]], dtype=float16)

grid_to_stn(gridded_data, grid, stn_lats, stn_lons)

Interpolates values from a grid to stations in a station list.


- gridded_data (array_like)
    - Array of gridded data
- grid (Grid)
    - `data_utils.gridded.grid.Grid` that the gridded data is on
- stn_lats (list)
    - List of station lats
- stn_lons (list)
    - List of station lons


- list
    - List of values representing the value of the gridded data interpolated to the station


interpolate(orig_data, orig_grid, new_grid)

Interpolates data from one Geogrid to another.




Interpolate gridded temperature obs from 2 degrees (CONUS) to 1 degree global

#!/usr/bin/env python
>>> # Import packages
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from cpc.geogrids.definition import Geogrid
>>> from cpc.geogrids.manipulation import interpolate
>>> # Create original and new GeoGrids
>>> orig_grid = Geogrid('1deg-global')
>>> new_grid = Geogrid('2deg-global')
>>> # Generate random data on the original Geogrid
>>> A = np.random.rand(orig_grid.num_y, orig_grid.num_x)
>>> # Interpolate data to the new Geogrid
>>> B = interpolate(A, orig_grid, new_grid)
>>> # Print shapes of data before and after
>>> print(A.shape)
(181, 360)
>>> print(B.shape)
(91, 180)

smooth(data, grid, factor=0.5)

Smooth an array of spatial data using a gaussian filter


